There are many bad ideas and a few good ones

Everyone has at least one idea. Some people have many ideas. Most people don’t know how to or find reasons to not execute their ideas.

Sometimes it’s because they are too busy. Sometimes it’s because they fear failure. Sometimes it’s because they failed before and are traumatized. Sometimes they are overwhelmed by thinking about the limitless possibilities. Sometimes they are just lazy. You won’t know unless you try.

Success is relative

Most of these ideas aren’t going to go “anywhere” if the definition of anywhere is “will make a million dollars in less than three months and retire on a yacht”. But not getting “anywhere” doesn’t mean failure. That definition of “anywhere” is not a good measure of success - only a perceived measure based on what everyone else defines for us. And what does everybody else know?

Got an idea for a web application that is exactly like ten other applications in existence? Make it anyway. Have something to teach others that isn’t very popular? Teach it anyway.

So go make your ideas happen. Take risks. Build stuff. Watch it break. Learn and learn again. You won’t know unless you try.

What happens when you fail a lot and succeed for a mere moment?

You find out about who are you. What you like. What you want to be involved in. What your strengths and flaws are. All those attributes that make up the person that you are today. Maybe you realize you like things you initially thought you hated. Or vice versa. You won’t know unless you try.

Remove distractions and start creating

Sites like Facebook are the new television. Distracting you from doing something worthwhile and encouraging you to stare into a wall of noise.

Put the distractions away. Make something. Organize an event. Help others.

Take some risks. You won’t know unless you try.