Time Flies When Your Life is Meating.

It’s been a while and I have some updates:

Mount Hood

  • I’ve relocated to Portland, Oregon
  • Meatspace has an official Github home
  • I’ll be speaking at RealtimeConf in October, so get a ticket if you haven’t!
  • I’ve been working on some more meatspace …

Meatspace Experiments

I’ve been making various small apps using meatspace-leveldb, meatspace-parallax and meatspace-publico, which are all variants of the same idea - building basic interactions in simple node modules to allow for microblogging, chatting and subscriptions.

Although meatspace and meatspace-leveldb are the only ones that support a decentralized model of microblogging and JSON subscriptions, the other two (parallax and publico) support simple chat interactions without subscriptions. Parallax is a one-to-one chat design while publico is a one-to-many design.

So far I’ve used each node module to execute its core functionality. Meatspace-leveldb for multiple microblogs, parallax and publico for realtime chat.

But What If We Combined The Two?

What if we combined the archived/subscription portion of meatspace-leveldb with the realtime chat elements of parallax/publico? What if we could subscribe to both facets as a single application?

This is something I am currently toying around with and it’ll take a little time to figure out the right interface, experience and behaviour. Until I have something that is ready, I encourage you all to try and make your own little meatspace experiments.